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In the darkness I rode. I rode with darkness so long, that I began to call it friend. What a lonely creature darkness is, and so unhappiness spread. There comes a time when a person must choose to continue the path to nothingness, or rise above the rest.

When your heart makes the choice of darkness, you sink into a miry abyss of pain. Yet those who wait in the light with outstretched hand weeps for those who are lost, and those not yet lost, but on their way.

My friends I wish I could say that all who have been entrenched in the deepest of the dark can attain full light. The reality is that few attain that goal.

So how do you pull yourself out of the black abyss? Find hope. Grab it by the mane of life and cling to it till you one day find yourself blinded by all that is good in the world of light. Follow hope my friends.